If you or a family member are the innocent victim of a crime in Pennsylvania, or are hurt trying to apprehend a suspected criminal, you may be eligible for compensation from the Crime Victim's Compensation Fund. The Crime Victim's Compensation Fund is separate from the restitution that is allowed by state criminal statute.
For those who qualify, the Compensation Fund may reimburse for the following:
- Medical Expenses
- Counseling
- Loss of Earnings
- Loss of Support (in homicide cases)
- Stolen Cash Benefit (Social Security, Retirement, Pension)
- Funeral Expenses
Website: delcoda.com/das-office/county-services-a-departments
Phone: (610) 713-2000
Delaware County Women Against Rape offers comprehensive direct services to victims of sexual assault and other serious crimes in Delaware County. All direct victim services are free and confidential. DCWAR Counselor/Advocates are available 24 hours a day to accompany sexual assault victims to any hospital or police station. They are also available to accompany sexual assault victims and victims of other serious crimes to all court proceedings.
Website: delcowar.org/Home/Assistance
Phone: (610) 566-4342
Delaware became the "First State" in the United States to implement a statewide Victim Center to specifically address the needs of crime victims and survivors of sudden deaths. The Delaware State Police implemented this program in 1988 with partial funding through grants from the United States Department of Justice, administered by the Delaware Criminal Justice Council.
Goals Of States Of Delaware:
- Supporting existing community and school crime fighting programs.
- Encouraging and assisting the growth of community and school Crime reporting programs throughout the State of Delaware.
- Enabling Crime Stoppers to be the most cost effective crime solving tool for law enforcement.
- Maintaining a strong communications network within the State of Delaware and among US Crime Stoppers programs, law enforcement, media and the general public.
The Wilmington Police, Victim Service Unit has been in existence since 1991. It is made up of civilians who work with victims of violent crime in the City of Wilmington. Services include support, crisis counseling, information and referrals to victims. This can include victims of shootings, assaults, homicide and domestic and sexual violence. A large part of the Units work is offering victims information on the police, criminal justice system and in filing for help with certain crime-related expenses. They are also available to respond to a crime scene and for other crisis responses as needed. The Victim's Compensation Assistance Program (VCAP) covers medical bills, lost wages or funeral costs for certain crimes. There is an application process. Contact Victim Services for more information or assistance with the application process.
Website: wilmingtonde.gov/government/victimservices
Phone: (302) 576-3622