The Indiana Attorney General's Victim Services and Outreach Division is committed to providing services and assistance to victims of crime. The Indiana Constitution guarantees victims of crime fairness, respect, and dignity. The office sustains that promise by supporting those affected directly, and indirectly, by crime in Indiana. The office provides support by administering the Address Confidentiality and Appellate Victim Programs. The Indiana Hope Card Program allows anyone with a valid, long-term, order of protection for domestic violence, stalking, and/or sexual assault, to request a card that summarizes the order's most important details.
Phone: (317) 232-6201
The Victim Services division administers funding to programs throughout the state that provide a variety of direct services to crime victims based on specific needs.
Services are defined as efforts that respond to the emotional and physical needs of crime victims, assist primary and secondary victims of crime to stabilize their lives after victimization, assist victims to understand and participate in the criminal justice system, and provide victims of crime with a measure of safety and security. The division awards federal dollars to these programs from the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) and Office on Violence Against Women (OVW). Persons eligible for assistance:Innocent victims of eligible violent crimes,A parent, surviving spouse, dependent child or other legal dependent of an innocent victim who has been killed as a result of an eligible violent crime, A person who is injured or killed trying to prevent a violent crime or giving aid to a law enforcement officer.
Phone: (800) 353-1484
The Sexual Assault Crisis Service is here to help any member of the Indiana University community who has experienced an assault. We work with men and women, gay and straight, students, faculty, staff, and family members.Provide immediate and ongoing psychological support.Assist you in contacting law enforcement. We are here to address sexual assault on campus and be an advocate for the men and women who have been affected by it. We work with the IU Health Center and the Bloomington community, including the Sexual Assault Response Team in the Office of the Monroe County Prosecuting Attorney.
Phone: (812) 855-4011
The National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) is a national anti-trafficking hotline and resource center serving victims and survivors of human trafficking and the anti-trafficking community in the United States provide human trafficking victims and survivors with access to critical support and services to get help and stay safe, We support victims and survivors and their friends and family, law enforcement, service providers, government, practitioners and advocates in the human trafficking and related fields, and community groups.
Phone: (888) 373-7888