Maine Victims' Compensation Program offers financial assistance to victims of crime. This overview provides information on how the program works and how victims of crime may access this support. Victims of criminal violence in Maine often suffer physical and emotional trauma. The aftermath of a violent crime may leave victims and their families overwhelmed and financially burdened. In recognition of the financial hardship crime victims often suffer, the Maine Legislature in the spring of 1992 created the Victims' Compensation Fund and Victims' Compensation Board (5 M.R.S.A. §§3360-3360-M). This statute provides a mechanism through which eligible crime victims may receive up to $15,000 in financial support for medical and medically-related expenses incurred as a direct result of a crime.
Phone: (207) 624-7882
Sexual Assault Response Services of Southern Maine (SARSSM) has been providing free and confidential services to victims of sexual assault since 1973. This 40 year history has provided SARSSM with unique insight into the communities and the people whom we serve. Through this lens, we have developed advocacy, support, education and prevention services to meet the needs of the Southern Maine region. SARSSM’s has two main foci: to provide support and advocacy to victims of sexual violence, and to provide prevention education and awareness around the issue of sexual violence and exploitation.
Phone: (207) 828-1035
The following support services are available to individuals impacted by sexual violence. Sexual Assault Support Services of Midcoast Maine (SASSMM) staff and volunteer advocates offer support, information and referrals to survivors, concerned others and community members of all ages, abilities, gender identities and sexual orientations. SASSMM does not provide service to offenders or perpetrators of sexual violence. Medical: SASSMM advocates offer support and accompaniment for survivors and significant others through medical and forensic examinations, with reporting to law enforcement and in navigating the legal system.
Phone: (207) 338-4622
The Maine Department of Corrections has zero tolerance toward all forms of sexual misconduct or sexual harassment in any of its facilities. All allegations of sexual misconduct or sexual harassment will be referred for investigation to an agency with the legal authority to conduct criminal investigation, unless the allegation does not involve potentially criminal behavior. Victim services can provide assistance in cases of harassment if a person in the custody or under the supervision of the Department of Corrections engages in any course of conduct with the intent to harass, torment or threaten another person.
Phone: (207) 287-2711