Hampshire Department of Justice (Attorney General’s Office) to “implement rules establishing a standardized rape protocol and kit to be used by all physicians or hospitals in this state when providing physical examinations of victims of alleged sexual offenses; The Committee took great care to make recommendations based upon the physical and emotional needs of the sexual assault victim, reasonably balanced with the basic requirements of the legal system. When a patient has no medical insurance, the State of New Hampshire is responsible for paying for the forensic/medical examination of victims of sexual assault
Website: doj.nh.gov/criminal/victim-assistance/documents/acute-care-protocol
Phone: 603-271-1284
They are supporting victims through their healing journey. Victim care begins immediately upon the report of a sexual assault They provide victims with three fundamental principles of care: safety and security, an opportunity to be heard and to be validated, and the ability to discuss what may lie ahead and be prepared for it. They validate victims’ reactions to and feelings about the incident in a non-judgmental way as well as provide a safe place for victims to explore all their options.
Website: safehelpline.org
Phone: 877-995-5247
The New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence creates safe and just communities through advocacy, prevention and empowerment of anyone affected by sexual violence, domestic violence and stalking. This mission is accomplished by the Coalition, which includes 14 independent community-based member programs, a Board of Directors and a central staff working together to: Influence public policy on the local, state and national levels; Ensure that quality services are provided to victims; Promote the accountability of societal systems and communities for their responses to sexual violence, domestic violence and stalking; Prevent violence and abuse before they occur.
Website: nhcadsv.org/Whoweare.cfm
Phone: (603) 224-8893
Starting Point: Services for Victims of Domestic & Sexual Violence is a private non-profit agency providing services to victims of domestic violence in Carroll County, NH since 1981. All of Starting Point’s services are free and confidential. Our current services include: 24 hour support line Shelter for victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, and stalking; Court and hospital advocacy; Support groups; Child Advocacy Center accompaniment Criminal justice accompaniment; In school education / prevention programs; Professional education programs Community education programs
Website: startingpointnh.org
Phone: 603.447.2494