Advocacy for both crime victims and offenders through victim services and offender rehabilitation programs. Justice Assistance is an involved participant in all facets of the justice system – the courts, the correctional facilities, and the community.
Phone: 401.781.7000
The attorneys at Mandell, Schwartz & Boisclair are dedicated to helping victims of crime. Senior Partner Mark Mandell is currently the immediate past chair of the National Center for the Victims of Crime and is the Past President of the National Crime Victims Bar Association. Mr. Mandell, along with all of the attorneys at Mandell, Schwartz & Boisclair, stand ready to assist Rhode Island Crime Victims in understanding their legal options.Crime victims may be entitled to compensation through the civil justice system in Rhode Island that is not generally available through the criminal justice system. If you have been the victim of a serious crime, the effects can be devastating – emotional trauma, financial hardship and medical bills can take toll on your life and well-being. In Rhode Island you may be able to obtain compensation for your physical and emotional harm, as well as for financial losses that you may have incurred as a result of criminal acts.
Phone: 401-273-8330
The Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence (RICADV) is an organization dedicated to ending domestic violence. We were formed in 1979 to support and assist the six domestic violence agencies in Rhode Island. We not only support and give leadership to the six member agencies but also strive to create justice for victims and to create awareness on the issue of domestic violence in RI.
Phone: 401-467-9940
The Rhode Island State Police has implemented a Victims' Assistance Program to further enhance the Division's efforts and response when dealing with victims/witnesses of crimes or traumatic incidents. The main focus of this program is to provide a trained Victims' Assistance Provider who will assist victims/witnesses during the period immediately following the incident. The Victims' Assistance Provider will focus solely on the victims'/witnesses' needs to help the process in determining the necessary and most-appropriate follow-up/ referrals for further assistance.
The Victims' Assistance Provider will be available during both regular business hours and on an on-call basis. The provider can assist both adult and child victims/witnesses of crime. The following services can be provided:
Crisis Counseling
Follow-up Contact/Updates on Investigation
Group Treatment
Finding a Shelter or Safe House
Information and Referral
Criminal Justice Support/Advocacy
Emergency Financial Assistance to Meet Basic Security and Safety Needs
Emergency Legal Advocacy
Assistance with registering for the Victims Assistance Portal
Victim Compensation Funds
Personal Advocacy
Phone: (401) 444-1035